We are a hardworking, dynamic and aspirational team. We encourage you to browse this website, watch our promotional video and arrange a visit. We're confident you'll love what you see. If you are someone who is highly motivated and energetic with high aspirations for all learners, we encourage you to apply for any vacancies advertised below.
We have signed up to the education staff wellbeing charter as part of our commitment to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing of our staff:
The Academy Council of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is looking to appoint an outstanding, skilled and highly motivated class teacher to join our team. Fixed term until 31 August 2025 subject to a budget and staffing review. This role would be very suitable for an early career teacher. Apply online at the Teaching Vacancies website here:
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidate will be subject to a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check. We promote diversity and want a workforce which reflects the population of Leeds.