Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Welcome to our Website!

Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF

0113 3206290


Class teacher: Mrs L Bateson
Teaching assistants: Miss M Kirkby and Mrs N Watson-Brown

Welcome to Year 1. Leaving Reception behind and moving into a new Key Stage can feel like a big step for children and parents. We work hard to make this transition as easy and seamless as possible for everyone involved. The children will still be learning through play, when they are most highly engaged and we see deep levels of thinking. This will also allow them to continue to develop the vital skills for learning including independence, perseverance, problem solving and collaboration. There will also be a big focus on learning to read using phonics this year. The children will be exposed to a range of different texts and become story tellers themselves. We will go on trips which will bring their learning in school to life across different areas of the curriculum as well as giving them valuable experiences which broaden their vocabulary and help develop their communication skills. As the year progresses, the amount of adult-led learning will gradually increase, preparing them to move into Year 2.

 Spr 2 Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Y1 Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Aut 2 Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Year 1.pdfDownload
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