“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” - Matthew 18:20
Collective Worship at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School provides opportunities for pupils and staff to come together to worship God. It is rooted in the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, whilst taking into account the religious and educational needs of all who share in it.
We believe that Worship in a Catholic school names and celebrates God’s presence in our lives. It is our loving response in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into relationship, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
All forms of collective worship follow the accepted four-fold structure of gather, listen, respond and go forth; particular emphasis may be placed on specific parts as appropriate. All forms of collective worship contain some form of scripture, whether it be a full passage or just a short sentence for reflection and meditation.
All children are involved and given an opportunity to respond in an act of daily worship. This gives all involved, time to contemplate the mystery of God, the wonder of life and to draw us closer to God.
Feedback from Parents
We love to welcome our parents, carers and families to join us in worship. We open our doors and hearts to celebrate the Word together as often as possible. Feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. See some of the comments we have received.
Timetabled Variety of Prayer and Celebration of the Word Opportunities
Class Collective Worship and Celebration of the Word
Children participate in collective worship in a variety of ways. Each class has 2 class worship sessions, one of which uses the beautiful resources produced by the Mark 10 Mission.
Classes have their own beautiful prayer focal points in class which change according to the Liturgical Year.
The younger children enjoy creative worship sessions prepared and led by their adults. As the children get older, the expectation is that they lead parts of the worship, leading to Year 5 and 6 planning and leading their own 4-part worship sessions. Children have access to a range of resources to support their independence including worship packs with scriptures for them to choose as well as opening prayers, reflections and 'going forth' missions.
Prayer and Reflection Journals
Children have personal prayer and reflection journals that they use during Celebration of the Word. This is time for the children to strengthen their own relationship with God, to reflect on the message of the Word and to write their own prayers, drawing their ideas or writing their own thoughts. It is a quiet moment of personal meditation.
Chaplaincy Team visit Mark 10 Mission
Some of our Year 6 children were lucky enough to be invited to St Paul's Catholic Primary School to take part in a 'Celebration of the Word' workshop with Greg from the mark 10 Mission. Greg led us all in prayer, along with other schools in the Trust and worked with the children on unpicking 'the Word'. Children had an opportunity to plan a Celebration of the Word on a theme based on a story in the bible. Our children will take this knowledge now into their classroom and into our school as they help to lead us in prayer.
Key Stage 2 Spiritual Retreat Day
Watch this space to see our Key Stage 2 children continuing their journey of Faith in a spiritual retreat day on the theme of Lenten Hope to continue our Jubilee theme. In March, the children will be joined by a member of the Chaplaincy team from the Nottingham Diocese who will lead them in reflection and prayer.
Thanks to Clare Lund from the Nottingham Diocese for leading us in prayer and reflection on the theme of being Pilgrims of Hope during Lent.....
The children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a day of prayer and reflection. The day was inspired by and rooted in scripture and the children enjoyed activities such as making mustard seed envelopes to plant at home to represent the tiny things that we do becoming something bigger and far-reaching. The children experienced Lectio Divina, reflecting deeply on a piece of scripture that taught us how we should pray. The children entered into the day with maturity and respect, maintaining the prayerful atmosphere and reflecting deeply in their hearts.