Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Welcome to our Website!

Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF

0113 3206290


Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCo) - Mrs C Duffy (Deputy Headteacher)

At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School we acknowledge Christ as the centre of our community and believe that inclusion cannot be separated from this principle. We believe that a positive approach to special educational needs and disability based on love, mutual respect and support reflected in our mission statement “Together, we learn and grow in God’s love”, will equip children with the necessary skills and experiences to achieve their full potential. This will in turn create an inclusive learning and teaching environment.
If you have any concerns about your child please contact school so that a meeting can be arranged to put in place any additional support your child might need. All children are different; some may need a little support at different times of their school life while others might need support throughout their education to ensure they reach their potential. Working together in partnership with parents and carers we can maximise the opportunities for a child to learn and grow so that they can achieve and be happy in their school life.
As a school community we:

  • Provide an inclusive, high quality education for children with special educational needs and /or disability (SEND)  where every child can achieve their full potential spiritually, socially, personally and academically 
  • Ensure a safe environment for all children to learn 
  • Ensure that children with SEND receive their entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum supported by all staff
  • Identify children with SEND as early as possible, monitor, differentiate and plan the curriculum to match their needs 
  • Make provision for pupils with disabilities to ensure they are enabled to access the full curriculum
  • Fully involve pupils’ parents and carers in the learning process; 
  • Ensure that all children, parents and staff have respect for, and understanding of every child’s needs and individuality 

In order to give specific help to those children with SEN or who have a disability, the school has adopted a policy in line with the SEN Code of Practice including a preliminary stage to monitor children whose work or behaviour occasionally causes concern. Therefore the school plans for children with SEND through initial observation and investigation, School SEN support and Education Health Care Plans (EHCP).

 When a child is identified with a special educational need the class teacher along with the SENCO and inclusion team devise provision and intervention that support the school's curriculum. Triggers for intervention through School SEN support are the teacher’s concern, underpinned by evidence, about a child who despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities:

  • makes little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in a child’s area of weakness
  • shows signs of difficulty in developing English or mathematical skills
  • presents persistent social, emotional or behavioural difficulties which are not altered or reduced by the behaviour management techniques usually employed in the school
  • has sensory or physical problems, and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of specialist equipment
  • has communication and / or interaction difficulties.

We understand that parents/carers can be very anxious about their child’s education and progress. We encourage parents/carers to raise their concerns at the earliest opportunity. If school identifies a need in relation to a child we will contact parents/carers to discuss what can be put in place to help the child progress.
The Governors and Staff at Sacred Heart are fully committed to ensuring all our children receive a high quality, exciting education in a vibrant  learning environment. The school works closely with other agencies and specialist providers to ensure this happens.  


The Leeds Local Offer is where children and young people up to 25 years old with special educational needs adn disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers can find information, advice and guidance about support, services adn activites that are available to those living in Leeds.  Please use the links below to access the Leeds Local Offer information page and booklet. 
Click here for the Leeds Local Offer SEND booklet 
Click here to visit Leeds Local Authority Local Offer webpage 

 SEND Policy 2024.pdfDownload
 SEN Information Report 2023-24.pdfDownload
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