Advent is the period leading up to Christmas and is the start of the church's year. It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November and ends on the fourth Sunday before 25 December. The word 'advent' means 'coming'. It is a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Every year, we celebrate Advent by ensuring that the children understand the meaning and significance of waiting. Each class has an Advent wreath that they make and present at a special assembly to mark the beginning of this special season. Class worship during Advent focuses on the themes of hope, joy, love and peace.
Each year the children from Reception and Key Stage 1 prepare and perform the Nativity, an annual highlight for parents.
Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. During Lent it is traditional to reflect on the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross tell the story of Jesus' last day on earth. On Lenten Reflection Day, our children reflect on the themes of Lent and Easter through a series of prayer stations.
Every year, the children participate in and organise fundraising activities towards the Good Shepherd Appeal. The appeal culminates in Leeds Cathedral, when representatives from the schools give what they’ve raised to the bishop.
The children also take part in a Lenten Prayer Walk in the beautiful surroundings of Golden Acre Park. The opportunity to reflect on nature and spend time outside is always a powerful experience for everyone involved.
"I love just being able to breath and smell the nature."
"The daffodils are just making me smile."
"I never listen to the birds singing but it sounds so nice."
Lent 2025
We have begun our Lenten preparations in school this year. Year 5 led us in a beautiful Celebration of the Word, reminding us all of the importance of Lent in preparing ourselves for Jesus' resurrection at Easter.
Fr Chris came into school to lead us in prayer on Ash Wednesday. Our Chaplaincy team read beautifully during our Liturgy and all were invited to receive ashes. Pope Francis said that "The ashes remind us of the hope to which we are called in Jesus, the Son of God, who has taken upon himself the dust of the earth and raised it to the heights of Heaven."
We have created Lenten focal points around school so that wherever we are, we remember that we are in the important season of reflection and preparation.
Our beautiful displays around school reflect the different parts of the Liturgical Year.
In October, we focused on Mary, our Mother and October being the month of the Holy Rosary. We shared our prayers with our families by taking home 'Travelling Rosaries'. Families could enjoy prayer and reflection together at home, praying the rosary and reflecting on this special month of Mary.