Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Welcome to our Website!

Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF

0113 3206290


Class teacher: Mr A Prowse
Teaching assistant: Mrs N Robertson

Welcome to Year 4. During this year, the children will become increasingly confident and independent in their learning. The children will consolidate their Lower Key Stage 2 learning and prepare for their end-of-year times table exam. They will move from pencil to pen in their handwriting, explore a wide range of topics across the curriculum and start getting more homework set for them. The children will go on trips and meet visitors – bringing their learning to life.

 Spr 2 Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Yr 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Aut 2 Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Aut 1 Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter.pdfDownload
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